Nancy Folbre: Seminar & Talk
Nancy Folbre will give a seminar on her manuscript-in-progress “Accounting for Care,” as well as public talk, entitled “Valuing Care: Time, Money, and Capabilities.” Both events will be in person at the Revaluing Care Lab at the FHI in Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, C106.
The Political Economy of Care
A graduate class taught by Jocelyn Olcott in the Revaluing Care Lab at the Franklin Humanities Institute on sustaining households, communities, and environments. Every Wednesday from 4:40 to 7:10 pm at the Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, C106.
“Histories and Futures of Care”. The Fourth Global Carework Summit
5-7 June 2025, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
“Historias y futuros del cuidado”. Cuarto Encuentro Global de Trabajo de Cuidado
Desde el 5 al 7 de junio, 2025. Universidad de Duke, Durham, Carolina del Norte
“Taking care of our territories”: popular economies, community care and self-organization in Colombia
The aim of this blog post is to present some preliminary reflections on the political productivity of community care and popular economies in the Colombian context. Introducing debates around popular economy, I will refer to three concrete experiences and formulate some questions and hypothesis on the possibility of political disputes for popular economy frameworks in the contemporary scenario.
Child Care Manifesto
What comes after consciousness raising for child care workers and the families who rely on them?
Automatic Healthcare?
Regulations on “ethical” AI may fail to address larger concerns about the automation of care.
On the Front Lines: The Work of Nurse Practitioners in US Healthcare
The nursing profession has become one of many privatized responses to the shrinking of the US welfare state.
The New Pronatalism: Politics / Economics / Fertility / Care
Restrictive policies around contraception and sexuality aim to increase the number of unplanned pregnancies, which will expand the near-term low-wage workforce of desperate parents.
Demanda por el reconocimiento del cuidado como Derecho Humano
La sociedad civil se pronuncia sobre la petición del gobierno argentino a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, que escuchará los argumentos del caso esta semana en el tribunal de San José, Costa Rica.
Resisting Gilead
The New-York Historical Society hosts an all-star lineup to discuss histories and possible futures of care.
Demanding Care as a Human Right
Civil society weighs in on the Argentine government’s petition to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which will hear arguments in the case this week at the tribunal in San José, Costa Rica.