
Heads Ups

10 July 2015

Child Care Policy Research Consortium (CCPRC) December 2 – 4, 2015.

Elect for Child Care

10 July 2015

What can policy researchers do to help shape the upcoming U.S. debate? I can think of a lot of interesting possibilities

The Motherhood Penalty

7 October 2008

Most women know that having a child is costly and leaves them vulnerable to poverty. But most probably don’t know how these costs and risks actually measure up, especially considering important differences across women and their families. Even as you read this, highly-skilled researchers are figuring out how to “do the numbers.”

Children as Pets

6 June 2008

This recent New Yorker cover satirizes the notion that children, like puppies in a store window, are just another consumer good. I think the gender stereotyping is intended as a joke, though not all viewers would take it that way.

Servant Sisters

4 June 2008

A guest post by Hande Togrul (, graduate student at the University of Utah.

Child Care Time

11 May 2008

Guest blogger Charlene Kalenkoski of the Ohio University Economics Department is doing research that addresses these questions: When I took this picture of my friend Gaela (who is a girl, not a cat), was I engaging in photography, child care, or both? What if I stayed at Gaela’s house while her parents stepped out to a party on a Saturday night, spending most of my time curled up on the couch writing a blog entry after she had gone to bed? Would I be providing child care?

When a Commodity is Not Exactly a Commodity

4 April 2008

Every week, the journal Science complements its published articles with one or more “Perspectives” offering a brief and informal summary of research on an important topic. I was thrilled to be invited to submit one of these recently, and chose to focus on the impact of personal interactions and emotional connections on the economics of care services.

Justin Care

3 April 2008

Most debates over family policy in the U.S. focus on comparisons with Europe, Canada, or Australia. But so much is happening in East Asia! The rapidity of fertility decline in Korea –combined with the mobilization of women’s groups there–has led to major new government initiatives.

Lands of Possibility

18 March 2008

The social democracies of Northwestern Europe offer many varieties of inspiration for the United States.

What’s the Economy For, Anyway?

5 February 2008

Sometimes its hard to see through that almighty dollar. We need to stop and ask what the economy is FOR, anyway. This question is the focal point of a campaign being organized by filmmakers John de Graaf and Laura Pacheco, an outgrowth of the Forum on Social Wealth, described in my last post.