Nancy Folbre
Medicare for All: Do the Numbers!
I’m increasingly convinced that we need to develop a larger care agenda, and health care is obviously central
Care Work, Animated
Invited by Professor Smita Ramnarain, once a student of mine here at UMass, I agreed to participate in an Honors Colloquium at the University of Rhode Island last October.
Care, Affluence, and Development
I am gearing up to attend the annual meetings of the Indian Society of Labour Economics in Mumbai, with support from the Canadian International Development Research Centre.
Try, Try, Try Again
On the referendum in Maine to create the Universal Home Care Program
After the Care Crisis
The opening question of a conference titled “After the Care Crisis” at the University of Pennsylvania on November 15 and 16 2018, was “What would an equitable relationship among care workers, employers, and society look like?” unique in bringing scholars and activists together.
The Carebot Conundrum
I am so much in favor of good care technology, but the risk of bad technology seems to be growing.
Guy Standing’s arguments for a universal basic income (UBI) as a way of protecting The Precariat
The Tyranny of (Some) Metrics
This new book by Jerry Z. Muller (Princeton University Press, 2018) does a great job explaining what happens when policy makers rely too heavily on simplistic measures of performance.
The ILO on Care Work and Care Workers
On wages, working conditions and future shortages in paid care employment.
Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics
The first thing I want to say is I love the logo, which I have just sketched here. It’s so… feminine.
Developing Care
A committment by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada