Nancy Folbre
Claudia and Care
Hearty applause for the honor paid to this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics should be combined with a critical look at her work.
Precarity and Care
Far from opposites, care and precarity are deeply entwined both etymologically and historically. Now, the increasing precarity created by current labor markets fosters a higher demand for care.
Care Talk 2.0
Welcome to Care Talk 2.0! In February 2008, economist Nancy Folbre launched the original Care Talk blog to reflect on research and policies regarding paid and unpaid carework. Written in a style that made material accessible to journalists, policymakers, and students as well as more seasoned researchers, the blog began with a focus on how to measure the economic contributions of unpaid care, the limitations of commercial models for care provision, and the problems that plague US systems of care provision.
The Escalating Cost of Care Services
Price of three major care services–day care and preschool, nursing homes and adult daycare, and medical care services, have risen much faster since 1998 than the price of the “all items” basket of goods and services that serves as the primary benchmark for analysis of inflation
Justice in the Balance
Instead of trying to walk the tightrope known as work family balance, maybe we should seek work family justice—something we all deserve rather than something we are easily blamed for not achieving on our own.
From Dobbs v. Jackson to Rights v. Obligations
What’s wrong with Ross Douthat’s interpretation of the world in general and abortion rights in particular?
Social Capital vs. Social Climate
Social capital is a delightfully contradictory concept, which explains why academics kind of like it: So much room for elaboration and disputation, both qualitative and quantitative!
Seizing the Moment
Seizing the “Moment” for the Global Care Agenda: From Theory to Practice. International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) event, January 25, 2022
Gender Economics and the Meaning of Discrimination
Shelly Lundberg gave a terrific paper at the session on Identity, Culture, and the Economics of Gender at the Allied Social Science Association Meetings, January 8, 2022, and this is a distillation of my comments on it as discussant.
The Child Tax Credit, Singed if Not Combusted
Joe Manchin, Senator from West Virginia, oppose the child tax Credit on the grounds that mothers should be required to “work” in order to get assistance.
Gender, Bargaining, and Build Back Better
Some Notes from Panel on The Economics of Gender and Households, Southern Economic Association, November 22, 2021
Why JoeCare Has a Chance
Happy Inauguration Day. We now have a president who wears a mask. Everywhere. Which is something to be grateful for.