Nancy Folbre
The Rise of Anti-Care
Some post-U.S. election advice: keep the faith and fight the backlash.
Having Children and Saving the World
Pro-natalists don’t seem to realize that “having” children requires both caring and paying for them.
Understanding the Care Economy
Why we need better data on the care economy, how we can get it, and what we could do with it.
The Value of Valuation
Assigning a market value to non-market work can be risky, but it calls attention to the economic contributions of unpaid care.
Capital for the Kids
A quick look at small moves toward a guaranteed basic income for kids in the U.S. and Canada.
Little Kids vs. Big Business
Current U.S. Congressional efforts to expand the Child Tax Credit offer telling insights into the partisan divide.
Taxing the Stork
New empirical research reveals why European family support policies, while far more generous than those of the U.S., are not as “pro-parent” as they claim to be
The U.S. Child Care Crunch
Stripped of support provided during the pandemic, the child-care industry is cracking up
Perhaps you’re curious to know—just hypothetically–how far the current value of global cryptocurrency could go toward increasing the supply of child care in the U.S.
Podcast: Undervaluing the Work of Care
Check out this wide-ranging, international, and interdisciplinary discussion of the many reasons why care work is undervalued.
Claudia and Care
Hearty applause for the honor paid to this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics should be combined with a critical look at her work.
Precarity and Care
Far from opposites, care and precarity are deeply entwined both etymologically and historically. Now, the increasing precarity created by current labor markets fosters a higher demand for care.