Jocelyn Olcott
Urban Care
Join us on Friday, January 31, from 10 am to 12 pm ET for a discussion on care, labor, and urban transformation
Déjà-vu all over again?: IWY Turns 50
On the fiftieth anniversary of International Women’s Year, it’s worth taking stock of what we’ve gained and what we haven’t.
Ecological Care
On Friday, January 17, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET, we will convene for a session exploring the intersections of care, ecology, and infrastructure.
Measuring Care
How do we measure care? What are the benefits and the limitations? Sign up for the seminar of Friday, December 6, 12-2pm ET
Unpaid Care Labor
In this seminar we will discuss how childcare represents unpaid care labor. Join us on Wednesday, November 13, 10am-12pm ET!
Mexico Lowers Age of Social Security for Women
Extending its noncontributory pension benefit, Mexico’s new program will give more spending money to women in their early 60s.
Reproductive and Environmental Justice across the US-Mexico Border
A seminar on abortion and health across borders. Register for the seminar on Friday, November 1, 12-2pm ET.
Durba Mitra: Seminar & Talk
Feminist historian Durba Mitra will give a talk on “Protest as Care” and present during a seminar her manuscript in progress “The Future That Was: Feminist Thought in Decolonizing World”
Technologies of Care
Is technology a vehicle of care or of control? Register for the seminar on Friday, October 18, 12-2pm ET
Working with Time-Use Studies
Is time-use a measure for care or exploitation? Three working papers of emerging scholars from the United States, India, and Sri Lanka, will examine the trade-offs of time-use. Register for Friday, September 27, 9-11am ET.
Nancy Folbre: Seminar & Talk
Nancy Folbre will give a seminar on her manuscript-in-progress “Accounting for Care,” as well as public talk, entitled “Valuing Care: Time, Money, and Capabilities.” Both events will be in person at the Revaluing Care Lab at the FHI in Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, C106.
The Political Economy of Care
A graduate class taught by Jocelyn Olcott in the Revaluing Care Lab at the Franklin Humanities Institute on sustaining households, communities, and environments. Every Wednesday from 4:40 to 7:10 pm at the Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, C106.