Community Economies, April 19, 10-12 ET

9 August 2023

Seventh Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024 Communities of Care featuring Alioscia Castronovo and Lina Penati Ferreira. Commentaries by Lindsay Naylor & AbdouMaliq Simone.

Women’s Collectives / Colectivos femeninos, May 3, 12-2 pm ET

8 August 2023

Eighth Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024 Communities of Care featuring Natalia Hernandez Fajardo and Eva María Villanueva Gutiérrez , with commentaries by C. Cielo and Holly Worthen

Working Papers Series 2022-2023

24 July 2023

September 16, 2022. 11 am First seminar of the working papers series featuring Samia Akther-Kahn & André Pinhel.Commentaries by Anne Allison & Deborah Jenson Samia Akhter-Kahn, “Unpaid productive activities and loneliness in later life: Results from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (2000-2014)” André Pinhel, “Racial Classification Categories and Health Inequities Studies in Brazil and USA” […]

What is Care? A Photo Exhibition 

1 May 2023

In this photovoice exhibition, nine older people from Myanmar living in Mae Sai share their perspectives on their daily lives and what care means to them, shedding light on the importance of nature and religion. This participatory project was part of Samia Akhter-Khan’s PhD project and co-produced with Ben Lu, a 60-year-old woman from Myanmar living in Mae Sai. Pre- and post-comparisons of loneliness show that older people felt less lonely after the project, suggesting that photovoice may function as an intervention for loneliness among older migrants. The exhibition was curated by participants themselves, was exhibited live in Mae Sai and London, and is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the definition of care and visualizes how older people provide for others

Care and Nature

1 May 2023

Part 2 of the exhibition shows how care is not only provided to other people but also to the environment. People care for and about nature by planting trees and growing vegetables. Being in nature has mental health benefits as it makes people feel at ease and helps relieve their worries and stress. As children and the government cannot be relied upon to provide care, older migrants from Myanmar need to rely on themselves, nature, and God

Care and Spirituality

1 May 2023

Part 3 focuses on the relationship between care, religion, and spiritual beliefs. As Buddhists, the afterlife can be prepared for by praying, meditating, providing offerings, and doing good deeds. Care for spirits, care for others, and volunteering results in good Karma and a better afterlife. In a sense, providing care for other people, the environment, spirits, and the community becomes a form of self-care, for the present life and the afterlife

Personal Insights

1 May 2023

The final part of the exhibition shows insights into people’s individual experiences and lives, reflecting examples of care, and how nature and religion are important avenues for realizing care and preparing for the afterlife. Each person participating has their own view on and message about what is meaningful and important for them in older age

What Does it Mean to Visualize Care?

23 February 2023

A panel with multiple scholars, activists, and practitioners and two graphic designers (Anne Dubos and A Visual) wonder what does it mean to visualize care?

Popular Economies

23 February 2023

What alternative care strategies are emerging in popular economies? Here a graphic recording on the global panel economias populars

Transfeminist Strikes

23 February 2023

Since 2016 transfeminist strikes spread out around the globe. Born as tools against gender violence they gained a momentum as coalitional and intersectional practices for reclaiming new forms of here. Here a graphic recording of the panel

Universal Basic Income & Post-Work

23 February 2023

Past, present, and future of post-work approaches. Is the basic income a tool for imagining a post-work society? Here a graphic recording of the panel

Students Doc Festival

22 February 2023

In Fall 2021 undergraduate students at Duke in the class of “Women At Work” and “Women and the Political Process” had the option to produce a short documentary video, instead of writing the paper. Here is the graphic recording of a few documentaries presented