Bargain Hunting: Seeking Sustainable Care in a Globalized World

3 November 2023

A recent book reckons with the “moral bargain” that provides protections for some at the expense of others.

Getting to Win-Win?: Labor Justice for Migrant Careworkers

21 October 2023

The posts in this forum on visas for immigrant careworkers explore possibilities for policies that afford full labor protections and social inclusion for a system that serves both the providers and recipients of care.

Legacies of the 1965 US Immigration Reforms 

21 October 2023

The 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration and Naturalization Act severely curtailed immigration of care workers to the United States, creating a significant care deficit in many families.

Caregiving at the Crossroads of Labor and Immigration Law

21 October 2023

Temporary visa programs leave participants at the mercy of their employers, and therefore susceptible to abuse.  Home care workers hoping to enforce their rights have two options: complain to the Department of Labor or pursue private litigation

Guestworkers or Culture Ambassadors? The US Au Pair Program 

21 October 2023

Caught up between the ambiguous migration regulations of family membership and cultural exchange, au pairs find themselves in precarious positions concerning their paid and unpaid labor

Canada’s “Citizens in Waiting” 

21 October 2023

Canada’s vaunted path to citizenship for care workers is seriously flawed. 

Injustice in Temporary Migrant Care Worker Programs

21 October 2023

Employment law’s limited view of the migrant care worker merely as an employee defies Immigration law’s acknowledgement of the social need of care workers. By characterizing migrant care workers as isolated employees, Temporary Foreign Worker Programs dissociate care workers from their own social relationships.

Claudia and Care 

12 October 2023

Hearty applause for the honor paid to this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics should be combined with a critical look at her work.

Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024: Reconsidering Communities of Care

11 October 2023

The experiment of sharing research continues. One or two presenters share original unpublished papers beforehand and two respondents offer insights and reflections. Working papers seminars series are open to the general public upon signing up. The events in February, April, and May are sponsored by CLACS

The Uncaring Rewards of Paid Care

11 October 2023

Field research conducted in Teeside in northeast England highlights the links between precarity and low pay for workers providing long-term care.

I Carry the City on My Back

9 October 2023

The Wu-Tang Clan story reflects the ethos of black abundance, which is based on the principle of sharing resources. However, it also sheds light on the overwhelmingly male world of street drug dealing. Chapter 3, titled “I Carry the City on My Back,” from the forthcoming book manuscript “That’s My Heart: Queering Intimacy in Hip-Hop Culture,” delves into the ambivalences of hip-hop culture and masculinity

Caring Masculinities and Football Brotherhood

9 October 2023

In her forthcoming book, Tracie Canada describes the various relationships Black college football players cultivate during and beyond their years in college. This is done as a response to the exploitative, violent, and anti-Black structures they tackle, especially the college football system. In the chapter on which this post is based, Canada addresses Black players as brothers to one another, as they express a form of care that values the person over the player, reflects shared practices, and attends to the importance of racialized experiences