Demanding Care as a Human Right 

9 March 2024

Civil society weighs in on the Argentine government’s petition to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which will hear arguments in the case this week at the tribunal in San José, Costa Rica.

Glass Walls and Finance Capital

18 February 2024

Alicia Girón’s open-access book Economía de la vida offers a comparative perspective on the ways that financialized capitalism has shaped the care economy.

Global Perspectives on Care and COVID

A new collection of essays looks back on a global crisis that became a care catastrophe.

Beyond Privilege: Narrating Diverse Stories of Caring Masculinities

28 January 2024

New research on “caring masculinities” challenges traditional gender norms by examining men’s relationality, vulnerability, and nurturing qualities.

Little Kids vs. Big Business

28 January 2024

Current U.S. Congressional efforts to expand the Child Tax Credit offer telling insights into the partisan divide.

Beyond Abandonment: Queer Aging and Community Care

To be queer and to be old––such permutation seems to be impossible given the realities of life especially for queer people. This dissertation chapter in progress examines queer aging in the Global South by asking how care looks like for a population who is both underserviced by the state and falls out of the bounds of the heteronormative family structure––two institutions that have been seen as the sources of care for older people.

HIV Care and “Subject Activism” in the Ruins of Neoliberal Islam

17 January 2024

In Turkey, HIV has never been considered a domestic issue but a peril that only concerns Eastern European sex workers and Western queers, both perceived to be sexual deviants, hence, always-already ill. However the number of HIV diagnoses in Turkey has increased by 620% since 2007

Growing vegetables, making homes

15 January 2024

Homes are made in more ways than one. They are made as entanglements of agencies that are both material and discursive: a bed, somewhere to cook, maybe some family members, hopefully a place where you might feel comfortable. Indeed, the phrase ‘to be at home’ refers to a sense of ease, or belonging. Homes are […]

Race, Foster Care, and Queer Kinship

14 January 2024

Although foster parents’ racialized, gendered, and classed depictions of carework won them political success, they have had lasting ramifications for American families who are not white, not affluent, or not cisgender. In 2024, what little protections American families have are eroding rapidly.

Taxing the Stork

14 January 2024

New empirical research reveals why European family support policies, while far more generous than those of the U.S., are not as “pro-parent” as they claim to be

The U.S. Child Care Crunch

14 January 2024

Stripped of support provided during the pandemic, the child-care industry is cracking up

“Reproductive Carcerality and the Politics of Abolition Feminist Abortion Care”

6 December 2023

In the aftermath of the Dobbs decisions, abortion care and services are increasingly vulnerable. In the U.S reproductive life is shaped throughout carceral techniques, and the criminalization of abortion now renders pregnancy as punishment. An abolition feminists vision of abortion centers care, community, and accessibility to resists the ways that carcerality threatens reproductive liberation.