Child Care Manifesto

31 May 2024

What comes after consciousness raising for child care workers and the families who rely on them?

The Value of Valuation

31 May 2024

Assigning a market value to non-market work can be risky, but it calls attention to the economic contributions of unpaid care.

Pandemic, Solidarity and Community Care in Brazil

Solidarity campaigns in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic, which focused on essential needs like food and hygiene products, highlighted the critical role of collective efforts in providing care. Based on these experiences, this investigation aimed to contribute to the debate on community care in Latin America.

Automatic Healthcare? 

20 April 2024

Regulations on “ethical” AI may fail to address larger concerns about the automation of care.

On the Front Lines: The Work of Nurse Practitioners in US Healthcare

20 April 2024

The nursing profession has become one of many privatized responses to the shrinking of the US welfare state.

The New Pronatalism: Politics / Economics / Fertility / Care

4 April 2024

Restrictive policies around contraception and sexuality aim to increase the number of unplanned pregnancies, which will expand the near-term low-wage workforce of desperate parents.

Capital for the Kids 

4 April 2024

A quick look at small moves toward a guaranteed basic income for kids in the U.S. and Canada.

Racial health inequalities in Brazil and the United States through history

4 April 2024

Health, disease and race interacted in a very particular way in the medical thinking of Brazil and the United States at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. Comparing the two cases can help us to better understand how the history of a racialized medical science was organized.

Nurturing Uncertainty: How Recuperation Retreats Foster Care Communities in Post-Meltdown Japan

4 April 2024

Recuperation retreats that have emerged following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan stand as a powerful example of how experimental practices of care foster transformative communities in the midst of enduring uncertainty.

The Home, School, and Street: Exploring the Everyday Geographies of Caregiving Youth

10 March 2024

Drawing on findings from a multi-year, mixed-method research project in collaboration with caregiving youth, young people under the age of 18 who take on caregiving responsibilities to support a parent, guardian, relative, or sibling who is chronically ill, disabled, or otherwise requiring care for medical reasons, we offer a critical examination of the ways young people’s everyday geographies of care in the home, the school, and the street, illustrate the importance of understanding ableism not only as oppression of the nonnormative body-mind, but also as the repression of the ability to give and receive care.  

Demanda por el reconocimiento del cuidado como Derecho Humano

9 March 2024

La sociedad civil se pronuncia sobre la petición del gobierno argentino a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, que escuchará los argumentos del caso esta semana en el tribunal de San José, Costa Rica.

Resisting Gilead

9 March 2024

The New-York Historical Society hosts an all-star lineup to discuss histories and possible futures of care.