Elizabeth Olson

23 February 2023

Professor of Geography and the Environment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Professor of Global Studies with a focus on methods and theory. She has held a multiple leadership positions at UNC-Chapel Hill – most recently as department Chairperson – and at her previous position in the School of GeoSciences at […]

Professor of Geography and the Environment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Professor of Global Studies with a focus on methods and theory. She has held a multiple leadership positions at UNC-Chapel Hill – most recently as department Chairperson – and at her previous position in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh. She is co-founder and co-director of the Caregiving Youth Research Collaborative, a national consortium of researchers and scholars in the U.S., and currently serves as co-chair of the AAG Climate Action Task Force.

She researches themes related to care, ethics, and young people, sometimes separately, sometimes in relation to each other. Her scholarship is produced in collaboration and through transformative partnerships with practitioners, artists, and other scholars, often co-developing methodological innovations to engage diverse communities. She has been funded by the National Science Foundation, PCORI, ESRC-AHRC (UK), EU Horizons, and countless inspiring centers and grants, including the Institute for Arts and Humanities at UNC-CH.