Ecological Care
On Friday, January 17, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET, we will convene for a session exploring the intersections of care, ecology, and infrastructure.
Measuring Care
How do we measure care? What are the benefits and the limitations? Sign up for the seminar of Friday, December 6, 12-2pm ET
Unpaid Care Labor
In this seminar we will discuss how childcare represents unpaid care labor. Join us on Wednesday, November 13, 10am-12pm ET!
Reproductive and Environmental Justice across the US-Mexico Border
A seminar on abortion and health across borders. Register for the seminar on Friday, November 1, 12-2pm ET.
Technologies of Care
Is technology a vehicle of care or of control? Register for the seminar on Friday, October 18, 12-2pm ET
Working with Time-Use Studies
Is time-use a measure for care or exploitation? Three working papers of emerging scholars from the United States, India, and Sri Lanka, will examine the trade-offs of time-use. Register for Friday, September 27, 9-11am ET.
Men, Masculinities, and Care
This seminar, organized by Riikka Prattes, focuses on the relationship between masculinities and care. Register for September 10 from 9 to 11 a.m. ET
Working Papers Seminar Series 2024-2025
The working papers seminar will start its third year in September 2024 with generous support from a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) collaborative research grant.
Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024: Reconsidering Communities of Care
The experiment of sharing research continues. One or two presenters share original unpublished papers beforehand and two respondents offer insights and reflections. Working papers seminars series are open to the general public upon signing up. The events in February, April, and May are sponsored by CLACS
Caring Masculinities September 15, 2023, 12-2 PM ET
First Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024 Communities of Care featuring Tracie Canada and Antonia Randolph, with commentaries by J. Malton and M. Wallace
Migrant Domestic Workers October 27, 2023 12-2pm ET
Second Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024 Communities of Care featuring Valerie Francisco-Menchavez and Grazielle Valentim, with commentaries by Anju Mary Paul and Pallavi Banerjee
Carcerality & Care. November 17, 2023 12-2pm ET
Third Working Papers Seminar Series 2023-2024 Communities of Care featuring Joseph Hiller and Katie Von Wald. Commentaries by Micol Seigel & Marisol Lebrón.